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Expert Tips to Remove Stains from Mattress

Saying wouldn’t be wrong that a mattress needs to be comfortable for a cozy sleep. But, you also need to take care of cleaning the mattress. The mattress gets exposed to a lot of hair, dust, debris and sweat. As per mattress cleaning experts, you always need to keep the mattress free from stains and other things. What tips to keep in mind while removing the stains from the mattress? How can one proceed to remove the stains? If you’re looking for stain removal and sanitization tips then you must go through this-

Remove Stains from Mattress

Tip 1: Vacuum cleaning the mattress 

When it comes to cleaning the mattress and removing the stain, you need to make use of the vacuum cleaner. This is one of the best ways to remove the dirt & stains if they are not stubborn. Dust accumulated in the corner of the mattress that you need to follow the process. Therefore, you just need to do a thorough vacuuming on all sides.

Tip 2: Sprinkle some baking soda

There are some tough stains that you cannot remove easily. In such a situation, you need to make use of banking soda that can effectively remove the stains. You just need to sprinkle it on the top of the mattress and leave it for a few hours. Baking soda mainly absorbs the stain and removes bad odours. Stains And Sanitisation Experts always use this to get rid of stains. 

Tip 3: Wipe and then vacuum the area

There are some light stains that can be easily removed with wiping. You just need to wet a cloth and then rub it off on the stain. Make sure to absorb the moisture from the mattress’s surface. After doing this, you need to again vacuum the mattress so that it can remove the dirt and debris. Make sure that you are scrubbing it gently. 

Tip 4: Using soap and baking soda

Stains and sanitisation experts also advise the use of soap and baking soda together for removing the stain from the mattresses. Are you looking for a way to clean your mattress and remove stains from your mattress? For this, you must use these two in an appropriate combination. 

All that you need to do is to mix a cup of baking soda and a few drops of dish soap in a bowl. Mix them well so that you can see the bubbles on them. Now, you can apply the bubble to the surface of the mattress. After a few hours, rub it off using a damp cloth. Mattress Cleaning Experts in Canberra will help you to remove stains from mattress. 


You learnt about mattress stain removal with various chemical compounds. The steps are easy and you can follow them easily. Always remember, mattress cleaning and sanitisation are required for a good sleep.

Stains are dirty marks that are tough to remove. These stains are made mostly on mattresses. We should clean them properly because these stains can spoil the mattress. If anyone would see these stains then he would think that the housewife of this house does not work properly. To remove the Old yellow sweat stain on the mattress you can hire the best mattress cleaning company.

If stains are not handled at the time then they will not be removed from mattresses. So, it is important to treat stains quickly and immediately. Stains are a problem in every house because they don’t know how to remove them. There are some methods by which everyone can prevent and immediately handle stains.

Old Yellow Sweat Stain On Mattress

Different Methods to handle Old yellow sweat stains on mattress quickly:-

The natural property of stains is that they made a permanent mark. These marks or stains you should remove quickly because it can degrade our mattresses. So, you can follow the mattress cleaning tips.

  1. Use a mattress protector:- Firstly, everyone should know if we eat on mattresses then the food can fall in the mattress. This can cause stains so we should always cover mattresses with a thick and tight mattress cover. As it will not allow food to fall directly on the mattress and the stains will be prevented. Most mattresses are dirty because many people do not cover them with bedsheets. If we don’t apply bed sheets then the food or any liquid can soak and it will reach the mattress.
  2. Use a wet cloth for cleaning:- We should always remember that while eating food in mattresses, we should take a cloth and spread it in the mattresses which could prevent stains from mattresses. Due to any mistake, if food has fallen on the mattress then we should immediately clean it with a wet cloth. We should avoid eating on the bed and we should eat on the dining table or down on the floor. There are many people who drink tea on mattresses which is very bad because tea can spoil the mattresses badly. Everyone should change the bedsheets twice a day so that the dirty bed sheets do not make any effect on mattresses. When there is no stains on your mattresses then it would be easy for a housewife to show her house. The stains are removed immediately by caustic powder but it is beyond the topic.

I think no one has bought Stain remover so everyone should buy a stain remover which would be the ultimate solution for stains. No one wants stained mattresses so you should check mattresses thoroughly at the time of buying because mattresses can have stains from the start and we are trying to remove it. So everyone should be an inspection inspector at the time of buying. These above are the most simple and finest mattress cleaning way to quickly handle the stains. Book your booking today and get the best services.

Our mattress provides us with a lot of comforts. A good mattress is helpful in good sleep and good body posture. Instead of so many advantages of our mattresses, do we care about their cleanliness? We only clean them once a month but that is not enough. Our mattresses absorb a lot of dust, dirt, and allergens from their surroundings. The dust and dirt particles easily settle in their inner surface causing bad odor or bed mites. We also respond late to the liquid stains or spills on our mattresses that cause dirty & permanent stains on our mattresses.

Remove Vomit Stains from Your Mattress

Vomit stains should be cleaned instantly from the mattresses as too late will cause harmful allergens to enter deep in the mattress. They also cause a bad odor. You can remove vomit stains from your mattress in the following ways.

  1. Baking soda and vinegar:

Baking soda and vinegar is the best way to remove vomit stains from your mattress as baking soda and vinegar are easily available in our homes and you do not have to run for a cleaning solution. It has amazing anti-bacterial and cleansing properties that remove vomit stains efficiently from your mattress but also kill bacteria. Vinegar prevents bacteria multiplication and helps eliminate the bacteria from your mattress. You just have to mix one spoon of baking soda in 4 spoons of vinegar. So, you can apply it on the vomit stain for 5 minutes.

  1. Baking soda and lime:

Baking soda and lime are another way to remove vomit stains. Lime has anti-cleaning properties and is quite acidic prevents bacterial growth and helps eliminate bacteria thoroughly. Baking soda is the best natural ingredient that causes no damage to the fabric of your mattress. It is rich in antioxidants that remove vomit stains easily and efficiently. You just have to mix one spoon of baking soda in 2 spoons of lime. Leave the mixture on the vomit stain for 5 minutes.

  1. Alcohol:

Alcohol forms a good oxygen-oxygen bond that lifts the vomit stain and helps to remove it properly and efficiently. You just have to make a dilute solution of alcohol and water and rub the stain for 3 minutes with a cotton ball or damp cloth. So, the stain starts becoming lighter and lighter. Your mattress soon becomes spotless.

  1.  Hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is another method to remove vomit stains efficiently. It is the best mattress cleaning company. You just have to make a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide and it will form a strong oxygen-oxygen bond that will penetrate deeper into the stain and break it. It is the best way to remove vomit stains efficiently and make your mattress spotless.

  1. Bleaching powder:

Bleaching powder is an effective way to remove vomit stains. You just have to prepare a bleaching solution on the vomit stain for 3 minutes and your stain will be removed effectively.


Vomit stains are difficult to remove. But instant action and the best stain cleaning methods will help you to expert tips to remove stains from mattress.

Everybody wants to have a properly clean mattress that is free from all kinds of dust and germs. Mattress Cleaning is not easy. There are a lot of things that you need to keep in mind for an effective mattress sanitizing service. Although we recommend hiring a professional mattress cleaner in Canberra, you can also clean it yourself. Below we are going to discuss different aspects to cover for effective mattress cleaning.

Effective Mattress Cleaning Canberra

The Different Aspects To Cover For Effective Mattress Cleaning Are:

  • Make Sure To Use Mattress Friendly Cleaner

Most mattresses are made from foam and springs. You need to use a mattress-friendly cleaning agent to avoid accidental damage. Various products are available in the open market to get the most friendly and effective mattress cleaning results. All you have to do is purchase the one that you believe would suit your mattress the most.

  • Use Problem-Specific Products

There are no products that offer all-in-one cleaning. No matter how good a product is there are going to be some problems on which it will not work. For example, if there are a lot of stains and marks then, make sure that you are using a stain remover on such areas. If there are nasty smells and odours then make sure to remove such nasty smells and odours from the mattress. This is a great way to remove various kinds of problems from your mattress and get the most ideal results. You need to keep in mind that you are using the most suitable product for the best mattress stain remover in Canberra.

  • Remove Dust Before Washing

This is a no-brainer as everyone knows that it is hard to remove wet dust compared to loose dust. You can either use a stick or baseball bat to beat the mattress to remove the loose dust. It is better to remove the loose dust before you try to move on to the actual cleaning. The reason why this is recommended is whenever the dust comes into contact with water it will clump together and get stuck inside the mattress. It makes removing the dust more difficult than ever. Once the dust clumps together then it gets the potential to damage the mattress from the inside and that is something we don’t and then you have to hire Mattress Stain Removal or cleaning services. 

  • Read The Pre-Caution Sticker/Tag

Every mattress has some kind of precaution sticker/tag attached to it. This tag contains very useful information on how to carry out mattress cleaning along with the method that is most suitable for mattresses. You need to read all the information & follow it well to make sure you do not damage the mattress accidentally. Some people forget to read it and accidentally end up damaging their mattress.

We Recommend Hiring A Professional Cleaner

Why do you have to take on such a difficult task of cleaning the mattress when there are professional cleaners available? There is no doubt that a professional mattress cleaning service in Canberra is the best. If you are having too much trouble during cleaning or have too little knowledge about it, then the best answer to your problem is professional mattress cleaners. They have proper training and access to various methods of mattress cleaning along with all the tools that are required for a deep clean.

You can always search for them on google or ask the people around you to find a good and reputable Mattress Cleaning Expert in your area. Just keep in mind to hire someone with multiple years of experience and a good reputation.

You spend half of your time on your mattress and your body may develop stains over it with sweat and oil. The mattress is considered one of the biggest investments so it requires immediate cleaning. If you want to make your mattress last longer and want to clean the oil stains from your mattress then you need to do some extra effort. If the oil spills deep into your mattress then it becomes difficult to remove the stains and get the mattress back. 

clean the oil stains from your mattress

Ingredients You Need To Remove The Stains:

  • Paper towel
  • Baking soda 
  • Detergent Powder
  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Old toothbrush

Blot The Stain

With the help of a paper towel remove the excess oil from your mattress. You need to blot it until the fluid is fully absorbed from the mattress.

Clean With Baking Soda

Search for the affected area and then sprinkle some amount of baking soda and cornstarch on the affected area of the mattress. After that wait for 50- 60 minutes. Baking soda will not allow the oil residue to settle on the threads of the mattress.

Vacuum The Mattress

With the help of a vacuum cleaner remove the baking soda on the mattress. Along with baking soda, vacuum helps to lift the oil stains. Make sure that every bit of baking soda powder is removed with a vacuum.

Treat With Detergent

By using an effective laundry detergent, clean the stained area. Damp the affected area and sprinkle 1 or 1/2 tbsp. of the detergent. Scrub the stained area with a toothbrush and then wash off the detergent by using a wet towel. Let the mattress air dry after that and you can use a hair dryer for that. 

Flip And Repeat

After that, flip the mattress and clean and dry on the top. Vacuum the other side of the mattress because it might be possible that the flat surface won’t need any stain treatment. 

How To Keep Your Mattress New For A Long Period?

Use a mattress protector to keep your mattress new for a long period once you clean the oil stains from your mattress and the odor from your mattress. If you use a waterproof protector then there is no need to worry about mattress stains again. After placing a mattress cover on the mattress, you need to add a fitted sheet. Keep your mattress fresh for a long period by washing the mattress cover every month. Hire professional mattress cleaning services to deep clean the oil stains from your mattress. 


To prevent the dead skin you need to change the sheets after a regular interval. Mattress covers don’t let the moisture get into the mattress fibers. This will also prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Every 3-4 months flip your mattress. Never use the commercial products on your mattress because this will give birth to allergies and other skin issues. If you don’t want to snag the surface of your mattress then never scrub it with a brush. You may also contact us at 02 6105 9139 for further information.

Professional Mattress Cleaning

Mattresses are one of the most important things in your house and they need to be cleaned regularly in order to prolong their lifespan and maintain their beauty for a longer period of time. There are several methods by which you are now able to clean the mattress by yourself but it is also important to get them cleaned by professionals in order to maintain their beauty and hygiene for a longer period of time. Professional cleaning has many other benefits too. To know about how professional mattress cleaning helps in better sleep, read the blog carefully.

Here is How Professional Mattress Cleaning Helps in Better Sleep:

Eliminating The Dirt And Dust From The Mattress

Dirt and dust are one of the main reasons why you need professional cleaning. These small particles will not allow you to sleep peacefully and can cause a lot of irritation and itching. This will not only affect your health but will also affect your sleep badly. Professionals will eliminate dirt and dust using the best techniques so that you and your family can get better sleep. This is one of the ways how professional mattress cleaning helps in better sleep.

Professional Cleaning Help in Getting Rid of Moulds

Moulds can be very dangerous for humans, pets and also the environment. They can cause many allergic reactions and infections too. Professional mattress cleaning has special tools that are helpful in removing moulds also. They have effective techniques that help in removing the moulds from the mattress. Homemade remedies can also be helpful in eliminating moulds from the mattress but professional ways are more effective. Getting rid of the moulds will help in improving your sleep. This is one way how professional mattress cleaning helps in better sleep

Allergy Management

Professional mattress cleaning helps in preventing people from allergy-causing bacteria and germs. There are many harmful bacteria that can cause dangerous allergies related to respiration and skin. To avoid these germs and allergens you must get your mattress professionally cleaned at frequent intervals. Doctors recommend cleaning your mattress regularly to get rid of allergens. This is another reason why professional mattress cleaning helps in better sleep.

Improving Air Quality

Professional mattress cleaning can help in improving the air quality too. A dirty mattress is one of the main reasons contributing towards polluting the quality of the air inside the home. It results in a musty smell that is caused by sweat, dust, food stains and many other reasons. The dust particles also travel in the air and can cause many problems. Bad air quality is also one of the reasons that will affect your sleep, so it is important to get professional mattress cleaning services to improve your sleep.

Maintaining The Mattress

If your mattress is not cleaned regularly it will affect the life of your mattress. Irregular cleaning of the mattress can damage the mattress and cause structural damage too. This will surely affect your sleep too. This is the reason you must get your mattress cleaned by professionals. A regular professional cleaning will not only prolong its lifespan but will also help in improving your sleep too. A well-maintained mattress will help you in getting better sleep.

Peace Of Mind

To get good sleep, peace of mind is very important and you can only get it when your mattress is cleaned. If you get your mattress cleaned by professionals you will surely have the satisfaction that your mattress is completely cleaned and free from all kinds of stains and allergy-causing bacteria. This will help you to feel free and sleep without any problem. This is how professional mattress cleaning helps in better sleep. This is the reason you must get professional mattress cleaning services at regular intervals.

Book Professional Mattress Cleaners- Keep A Healthy Mattress

To get the best mattress cleaning services and better sleep it is necessary to hire professionals. There are many benefits of hiring a professional mattress cleaning company in order to maintain your mattress and prolong its lifespan. The tools and techniques used by professional mattress cleaners are usually more effective than the techniques you use to clean the mattress using home remedies. There are many other benefits too.

If you live in Canberra you can hire professional cleaners at Micks Mattress Cleaning Canberra. We are the most trusted and reliable mattress cleaning company. With the help of the most experienced staff, we offer all kinds of cleaning services at a very low price. We provide timely cleaning services and the team is very polite and helps in all possible ways to give the best cleaning service to customers. We also have 24/7 emergency mattress cleaning services in Canberra. To book the best mattress cleaning services,  give us a call now at 02 6105 9139.